Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why it's fun to be a Pirate

All of my friends are pirates. I found this out while hanging out at a party the other night.

Of all my friends, I have exactly two that don't steal (aka pirate) music in one way or the other.

I still don't know how I feel about pirating music, but I do know that it's a big part of how the band makes money so we can keep making music. Interestingly enough, not a single one of my friends have pirated Watching Judas' music, or the music of any indie band they've seen in concert.

So how about you? Do you burn copies of CD's for your friends? If you do, why do you do it? No judgments here- just would love to understand : )

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Random facts you didn't know about (and don't care about either)

1. Christian is responsible for stringing several thousand yards of lights and greenery in downtown St. Charles each christmas. He does it during our christmas break each year.

2. Paul would love to pursue a career in music therapy someday.

3. Dustin Shapiro isn't Italian like most people assume- he's Jewish.

4. Eric has released 2 solo piano christmas albums before he was 17.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Make it a Small

It took me forever to figure out that people almost never remember the biggest things in their lives. I know I don't.

The big deals never seem to impact us proportionally. I guess it's because we're rarely able to connect emotionally to large events in our lives. I can't attach emotionally to hearing about cancer research, but I can when I hear my father has prostate cancer.

Maybe that's why I tend to write about the small things in life; the specifics. They symbolize bigger, more intangible emotions that are too vague to describe in a paragraph.

My hope is that next time you do the mundane, you take time look at the small things as significant.