Saturday, May 29, 2010

Indie Hair

I had no idea that their were hairstyles that make you indie. (For those of you not familiar with the term, indie is an abbreviation of independent

Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover

Christian has a few really interesting hobbies. One of them is being ridiculously good at finding four-leaf clovers. I don't know how he does it. He's found over 3,000, and he's not stopping any time soon. Crazy.

Maybe that's why he makes such a great lead singer- he can look out into a crowd and pick out that person that's having a hard day, and smile at them.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

You Never Know What You'll Find in a Tree.

Went tree climbing and found this at 30 feet off the ground. I wonder what a squirrel would think if he ran across this.

Friday, May 21, 2010


I think it's cool to see a guy onstage wearing eyeliner. I think it's incredibly lame to see that same guy putting it on backstage.

Bottom-line: guys that play axe guitars should not carry makeup bags.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Worn-out Mouse. . .

I thought when I got into music that I'd be playing music most of the time. Lies.

Turns out, this crazy thing called the MP3 was invented. Suddenly, people changed the way they did things. You could now listen to anybody by going online and doing a quick keyboard search. Bam! Out came the music you wanted, and for free.

At the same time, people's appetite for music went bonkers. It was like we have musically obese people walking around with 80,000 songs in their music collections, with just 30 seconds listened to of each song. Raccoons do that to tomatoes- I expect more from my non-furry bipeds.

I'm not bashing anyone. Really. I think it's great that people can hold 40,000 songs in their hand. It's just changed things a bit, and I feel like I get to spend less time actually making music, and more time trying to cut through the infinite number of bands out there to get our music heard.

It's like a took a train to the end of the line, brushed the dust from my dude suit, and stepped into the wild west of music. The one with the biggest gun wins. At least for now. They'll be law and order one of these days, and people will settle down into some sort of routine that resembles civilization. I can't wait for the dust to settle.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dead Birds Tell No Tales. . .

If you can believe it, I've seen a grand total of 3 Hitchcock movies. You know that you're sadly lacking when one of the greatest film makers of all time has a paltry 8 hours of your time consumed.

What have I been doing? Playing music, taking typing classes, putting coins in soda fountains. It all seems rather mundane. What's dropping coins in a machine compare to watching a girl get stabbed in a shower? High art, I miss you terribly.

So here's my resolution- I'm getting a random Hitchcock film this week off of Hulu, and watching it without any interruptions or guilt that I'm not getting more work done. Think I might get in those music scales while I'm at it . . .

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wanted: Young Wiry Idiots

Take out the part about the pony riding, and I think that we might have a good band member want ad here.

Yesterday, I was realizing for the first time that Watching Judas band members, with the help of an ever growing roadie crew, carry somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 lbs. worth of gear to almost every show.

Why do we do it? Why do we play shows in rainstorms, do stage dives off of 15 ft. stages, and spend sleepless nights hauling gear to the next show?

Because we believe we're doing something important. Just like the pony express riders, we'd rather walk around penniless and gimped-up the rest of our lives if it means we get to share our music with even one fan. And that's worth taking some chances for.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Secrets, Secrets . . .

I feel like people do this all the time with their hearts. Maybe people think if something's secret, it makes it more important.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Should have seen it coming. . .

Four things that have happened to me today that I think are ironic:

4. Removed over 166 bolts from an upright piano, found out that I could have unscrewed two bolts and skipped all that work.

3. Bought a CD. Found out it only has the 2 minutes of each song. Called "100 of the world's best loved songs". Name revision: half of 100 of the best songs we could fit on to 3 discs."

2. Toaster has two settings: toasted, and white. Why would I need to set it to white if I want toast?

1. Write a fan online. They respond with "who r u?"? I remind them that I'm responding to the fan note they left us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Leave it to the Japanese.

We already feel big enough onstage. Why must you make us feel even more enormous?

Monday, May 10, 2010

There! I fixed it.

I think this website sums up the grand total of all of my fix-it abilities. I only wish I was this clever. . . .