Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wanted: Young Wiry Idiots

Take out the part about the pony riding, and I think that we might have a good band member want ad here.

Yesterday, I was realizing for the first time that Watching Judas band members, with the help of an ever growing roadie crew, carry somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 lbs. worth of gear to almost every show.

Why do we do it? Why do we play shows in rainstorms, do stage dives off of 15 ft. stages, and spend sleepless nights hauling gear to the next show?

Because we believe we're doing something important. Just like the pony express riders, we'd rather walk around penniless and gimped-up the rest of our lives if it means we get to share our music with even one fan. And that's worth taking some chances for.

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