Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Worn-out Mouse. . .

I thought when I got into music that I'd be playing music most of the time. Lies.

Turns out, this crazy thing called the MP3 was invented. Suddenly, people changed the way they did things. You could now listen to anybody by going online and doing a quick keyboard search. Bam! Out came the music you wanted, and for free.

At the same time, people's appetite for music went bonkers. It was like we have musically obese people walking around with 80,000 songs in their music collections, with just 30 seconds listened to of each song. Raccoons do that to tomatoes- I expect more from my non-furry bipeds.

I'm not bashing anyone. Really. I think it's great that people can hold 40,000 songs in their hand. It's just changed things a bit, and I feel like I get to spend less time actually making music, and more time trying to cut through the infinite number of bands out there to get our music heard.

It's like a took a train to the end of the line, brushed the dust from my dude suit, and stepped into the wild west of music. The one with the biggest gun wins. At least for now. They'll be law and order one of these days, and people will settle down into some sort of routine that resembles civilization. I can't wait for the dust to settle.

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